Young at Heart: How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Reverse the Clock

April 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nearkdent @ 4:17 pm
Nose down view of woman in a white vest smiling with her hands on her cheeks

Did you know that the quality of your smile can tell others a lot about your age? We tend to associate certain aesthetic dental flaws with growing older because decades of everyday use can leave your teeth looking worse for wear. Fortunately, your dentist can reverse the clock and restore a more youthful appearance with various cosmetic services. If you’re interested in removing years from your grin, keep reading to learn about 3 treatments that can help!

Procedure #1: Teeth Whitening

Older adults tend to have darker smiles because they’ve had more exposure to foods and drinks that stain. If yours are less than pearly white, you’re not alone! One easy way to enhance your grin is with teeth whitening. You can find plenty of over-the-counter solutions, but these often contain abrasive bleaching agents that can cause sensitivity.

Meanwhile, your dentist has access to professional-grade gels that maximize results while minimizing potential discomfort. In a single, one-hour visit, you could lighten your teeth by several shades. Many dentists also offer take-home kits using the same high-quality ingredients along with customized trays so that you can get the same impressive results from the comfort of your home. This is a highly efficient way to preserve a more youthful visage.

Procedure #2: Dental Veneers

After a lifetime of hard work, the protective enamel of your teeth naturally begins to wear down. This leaves them vulnerable to unsightly chips, cracks, breaks, and stubborn stains. If you’re frustrated by these types of imperfections, you’re in luck. Your dentist can mask one or several issues all at one time by applying dental veneers.

These thin, porcelain shells are color-matched to your natural shade and then bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They cover flaws to give you a perfect, younger-looking grin. For them to line up correctly against your gums, however, your dentist must remove some of your enamel. It doesn’t grow back, which makes this an irreversible change. Most patients find it’s worth it, however, because veneers act as a shield against potential problems. Plus, they can last 15+ years with the right care, making them a great long-term solution.

Procedure #3: Dental Bonding

If you’re not interested in the preparation required for veneers, you may benefit from dental bonding, instead. This treatment can mend or mask the same types of concerns as veneers but without removing any enamel. Plus, it’s more cost-effective than the ceramic shells.

For this treatment, your dentist applies a small amount of color-customized composite resin directly to your tooth. They’ll mold it into the ideal shape to hide imperfections, then harden it in place with a special ultraviolet curing light. Often, this can be completed in one visit and can last 10+ years. By repairing your pearly whites this way, your dentist can help you look much younger than when you arrived for your appointment.

If you’re hoping to stop the appearance of aging, your teeth are a great place to start! Contact your dentist today for a cosmetic consultation and you’ll soon be on your way to achieving the smile you deserve.

About the Author

Dr. Joseph S. Spades has more than 25 years of experience helping patients of all ages build and maintain happy, healthy teeth. He first graduated from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro before attending dental school at the University of Tennessee. Now, he provides a wide array of services under one roof to meet all your dental needs, including cosmetic dentistry. He takes a personal approach and will get to know you and your unique goals so he can provide fully individualized treatment options. If you’d like to look younger and would like a consultation, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (870) 931-6323.

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